Computing Average Monthly Flow Values using Excel and Visual Basic

 In the field of water resources engineering, it is often necessary to perform data analysis on time-series data.  For example, a user of this data may want to summarize average monthly flow data to examine the month or season when flows are the highest along with determining the difference between the average monthly high flow and the average monthly low flow.  This can be done using a variety of methods.  Below, methods for doing this directly in Microsoft Excel and for using Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel are shown.

For this example, daily average USGS flow data for the White River at Newport, Arkansas is used.  The data ranged from 1927 to 2020.  A small portion of the data is shown below.  The date is given in column A while the flow value is given in column B.  This data set has close to 34,000 values.

To perform this analysis, all of the July values are extracted and put into column C.  To do this, a simple “IF” statement in column C is used for all of the rows of data.  The “IF” statement is as follows:


This “IF” statement indicates that if the month in column A has a numeric value of 7 for July, then column C is populated with the flow value found in column B for that row.  If it is not the month of July, then that row in column C is to be empty.  After doing that, the minimum, maximum, and average values in column C are computed.







 In reviewing the data, the minimum value is found to be zero, which does not seem to be a reasonable value since a daily average flow value of zero at this location in the White River is unlikely.  This points to the importance of reviewing data prior to an analysis.  In examining the data, it becomes obvious that the method that Excel is using for missing data based on the “IF” statement is incorrect.  Observation of the values in July 1932 confirms this.  This data is missing for this month; however, Excel is outputting zero values based on the analysis of the “IF” statement.

To solve this issue, an adjustment to the “IF” statement is required.  An additional check is added to the “IF” to check whether the flow value is blank.  This is shown below.  Now, the two conditions of the month being July and the flow value not being empty must be satisfied to populate the column.  Doing this removes the zero values which were adding nothing to the running sum of the flows, but they were increasing the number of values.  This had the effect of reducing the true average.


Using this updated “IF” statement and re-computing the average, minimum, and maximum values gives the following:








As expected, the average value increases since the zero values are no longer counted and the minimum value is no longer zero.

The computation of this in Excel is relatively straightforward, but Visual Basic within Excel can also be used.  The first code that is shown reproduces the example where missing values still add to the count.  In this code, the variable “Monthnum” is set as an integer.  A running sum and a count of July values is used to compute the average.  The code begins in cell A1, which is a header cell.  The code obtains the date value and the flow value for each time step by using the offset command to move through the values.  The “Do” loop is used to continue the operation until it runs out of date values.  It should be noted that if there are blank values in the date column, this would need to be cleaned up for the code to work as intended. 

Once this code is simulated, the average value for July is output to cell “F11”.  The computed value for this code is 15677.26, which matches the average found using the first “IF” statement shown earlier.  The answers are the same since this code suffers from the same issues as the earlier “IF” statement.

The solution is to once again alter the IF statement to account for empty values.  The rest of the code remains the same.  The updated code is shown below.

 Adding the “IsEmpty” check solves the issue and gives the correct average of 16758.45.

This analysis demonstrates straightforward methods for determining monthly average values using Excel and using Excel with Visual Basic.  It also shows the importance of examining data prior to an analysis along with the importance of reviewing results provided by the chosen method. 



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