How do I fix my errors?

The error messages that HEC-ResSim produces are not always very clear.  So, I thought it may be useful to take a working model and break it in various ways to look at the error messages.  The model is shown below.  It contains a main stem and a tributary.  There are two reservoirs on the main stem.

Here is the plot for the upstream reservoir to show that it is a working model.

Error #1.  I will remove the inflow from the upstream end of the tributary.  Remember that ResSim needs inflow at the upstream end of all tributaries and at the upstream end of the main stem.

Here is your error message:

Error #2:  ResSim requires that the dss files are complete without missing data.  So, I am going to remove a value from my dss file during the simulation period.  

Here is the error message:

Error #3:  It is easy to forget to specify lookback elevations and releases.  These can be either a constant value or a time series.  For this error, I specify that I am using a time series for the lookback elevation at the upstream reservoir, but I forget to specify the dss pathname.

Here is the error message:

Error #4:  The first three error message are relatively straightforward (or at least they give some indication of what is wrong).  However, look at the following error message:

This is probably not going to lead you directly to the problem.  This is where it becomes important to check your data that is being entered into the model.  I created this error by putting in a release function for my outlet that doesn't have a constantly increasing elevation in the table.  Below is a screenshot:

Error #5:  Another example about being careful when inputting data.  Here, I deleted the outlet data for my upstream reservoir.  You can see that there is no additional information in the error message. 

Error #6:  For this error, I specified Muskingum-Cunge for the routing method in the reach below the upstream reservoir, but I neglected to put in any of the parameters.

Here is the error message:

Error #7:  Here is another error caused by missing lookback data.  To produce this error, I removed the lookback release for the upstream reservoir.  You can see that this error message is not as clear as the message shown in Error #3.  

Here is the error message:

Addtional notes about errors:  In trying to "break" my ResSim model, I noticed that it would sometimes still run to completion and give results.  For example, this occurred when I removed all zone elevations from my downstream reservoir.  I would have preferred an error message in this case. 


  1. Kevin, thanks for posting these errors. This will help!

  2. Thanks Kevin, can you please make some small tutorials like HEC DSS for HEC ResSim. Thanks for starting this blog!

  3. hi, I have problem in HEC Ressim, the tools in left side all not working, can you help me how to fix it, my, thanks in advence

  4. hello
    im getting error after 25%
    the error is "Changing input timeseries /TARBELA/RESERVOIR/INFLOWS//TRI-MONTH/OBS/ time interval. Was 14400 minutes. Converted to 1440 minute interval.
    can you help me how to fix this

    1. If you DSS file (input timeseries) has a varying interval, I would recommend converting it to a uniform interval. I may need to develop a video to show how to do that, but I find that ResSim works better if it has a uniform time step.

  5. Dear Colleagues

    I am experiencing the following error in my HECResSim model run at 39% completion in simulation.

    ResSim Storage Integration for max limit took too many sub-steps and did not converge, 0 200 3 Bowatenna 02Jan1989

    Bowatenna = Reservoir name

    I'll be thankful if any one can help me on this.

  6. Dear Mr. Kevin,

    I am becoming familiar with you when I search about a solving way for my code's error that I were facing during running my project by using Hec-ressim(Monte Carlo) model.
    Unfortunately, the Hec-Ressim shows error.
    Can you help me to conduct my project and to solve Hec-ressim error?
    I hope to have your support due to the fact that your worthy knowledge and experiences in this field.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    I am waiting to hear from you.

    Best Regards,
    Bahar Mohammadi

    1. Hi Bahar, I tend to check the YouTube channel more than the blog since I started doing mostly videos instead of blog posts. What percentage does your model get to prior to giving you the error? Typically, if it gets to 25% or less, you have a data input issue. What is the error that you are getting? Also, do you need to run a Monte Carlo analysis? I am wondering if that is what is causing you the error. If the comments allow you to paste an image of the error, that may help.


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